About me

I’m a translator specialized in video game localization, working from English into French. In 2018, my Master's degree in hand, I decided to combine my love for words and my passion for gaming.

Seasoned gamer by passion, I’m very comfortable in the gaming world and will know how to reach your audience, because I’m part of it 😉
I’ve also always loved reading, and to me it’s all about the same thing:
telling a story. I love playing with different tones of voice, finding the perfect equivalent to a pun, adapting a poem so it will still rime…
And sometimes it’s just practical, you also need someone to translate the menu so that French gamers don’t run away!

So for all your needs of gaming localization into French, of all genres from Action-adventure to Shooters, through Management and RPG games,
please feel free to contact me!

…Also, I’m part of the Warlocs Collective! If you need more languages, I can get in touch with my fellow gaming localization experts from all over the world to help you with your project.

What can I do for you?


I translate your game and all related texts from English into French, making them accessible to the French-speaking public.


I review the content to make sure everything is properly translated and adapted to the French audience, and verify terminology consistency.


I play the game in French to check how the localized content appear on screen, and rectify as needed.

Here’s what I can translate for you:
  • In-game texts (dialogues, subtitles, letters, etc.)
  • UI and menu elements
  • Marketing texts (store page, social media, etc.)
  • Legal content (contest rules, privacy policy etc.)
  • And more, feel free to ask!

Did you know…

…That video gaming in France is one of the largest markets in Europe? Indeed, today, there are more than 36 million gamers in France. Mobile, PC, console games, consumption of gaming streaming content, the numbers keep growing.

And did you know that French is the fifth most spoken language in the world? France is a proud nation that protects its language and culture, and the majority of French people prefer to enjoy content in their native language.

Imagine, so many potential clients who would miss your amazing game because it’s not available in French! Such a shame.
That’s why I’m here!

36 M

gamers in france


most spoken language in the world



What clients and critics say about my work…

UFO 50
Derek Yu


I’ve been meaning to give a shout out to the word wizards at @thewarlocs, who handled UFO 50’s localization! It was a tricky task, given the amount of total text and our extremely limited screen space, but they did a fantastic job on a tight deadline!
Thank you! 🧙

Goodbye Volcano high
Corentin Benoit-Gonin

Le Monde

Game review (FR)

French speakers will also appreciate the meticulous localization: subtitles, memes and puns are skillfully adapted.*[…]

We liked:
– very accurate, highly topical dialogue, and a first-class French adaptation

*Translated from French

No More Robots

Let’s Build a Zoo, SpiritTea, Fashion Police Squad…

We’ve been working with Warlocs for over two years now across all of No More Robots titles. They’ve always worked so professionally, given us great quality translations and have been super flexible when we’ve needed it. We’ll continue to use them for many years to come!

Goodbye Volcano high
Daniel Korn


Warlocs was so great to work with on this project, and we’ve already been hearing some very nice words about the localizations!

Balloon Studios

It was such a joy to work with @thewarlocs! Thanks for the wonderful translations, you all put so much thought into the writing ♥